Joining MEc

Hey welcome to MEc!
So you wanna join our MEc family? If the answer is yes then you are certainly on the right page! Here we have all the details about how you can join the MEc family!
First think what are you interested in? It can be any of the following:
  1. Education
  2. Software
  3. Technology
  4. Writing
  5. Music
  6. Arts and Crafts

If you are interested in the first one then you have to give a short and easy test. The test paper will have questions from 11 subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Biology, Mathematics, Technology, Computer Science, History, Literature, Culture and Sports). Each subject will contain 2 questions from which you have to answer one. Each exam will have a full mark of 22 if you get at least 6 then you will be hired. Beware though, if you get zero in your subject of interest then you will NOT be hired.
If you are interested in software (i.e. Programming or hacking) then you have to give sample software programmed by you or a website you have hacked.
If you are interested in technology then you have to give us design for a technology.
If you’re interested in writing, music or art then you have to give a sample story, song or painting by you.
Applying Procedure:
In an e-mail send your name, date of birth, school/college/university/work place, degress (if any), and job (if you do any) and something about you. For people interested in no. 1, they have to write their subject of interest and those who are interested in 2,3,4,5 or 6 they have to submit their sample program or hacked site, design of technology, story, painting or song respectively with attachment. Send the e-mail to . For further information e-mail me at If the leaders select you then you’ll be notified within 1 week via e-mail. THANKYOU. J
Note: We won’t pay you for working for MEc. :P 

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